Silver Leaf Design was created in 2001 by Curt Price and is located in Edwardsville, IL.

Curt has a degree in Visual Communications from SIUC, is an award winning graphic artist and has been developing graphics and designing web pages for local companies since 1998.

We know small businesses might not have the advertising budget that the big guys do. That's why Silver Leaf Design was created. We're giving small business owners access to an affordable, professional graphic design agency that will give them an impressive web presence.

We cover website design, domain registration, website hosting, logo design and brochure/flyer design.  We do all of the work so you don't have to.

Depending on what type of a website our clients want, they generally pay anywhere from $600 to $6000.  Which is a drop in the bucket compared to what larger design agencies want to charge you.

Setting up a website on your own can be a confusing task. We'll explain the processes involved in getting your website online so you know exactly what is going on. We'll discuss the website content and layout with you, show you rough drafts, and make sure you get exactly what you want before the site goes live. The website & graphics you want, will be the website and graphics you get at a price you can afford.


Curt Price
Owner, Silver Leaf Design

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Copyright © 2013 - Silver Leaf Design. All Rights Reserved.
Phone: 618-514-1250 | | Edwardsville, IL